Great but not without problems
I really enjoyed this animation, especially since I love things synced to music, but there are some things that almost broke the experience for me.
1. Grammar Check. No offence intended but you really should have either double checked your grammar or had someone else look at it before you finalized the animation. It's not horrendous but it was enough to distract me and make me go "Wait, what is he saying?"
2. Reliance on Text. Having text to support the story isn't a bad thing, but over reliance on it is. This is just my personal opinion but I sat through most of the intro thinking "Ok when is this thing gonna start". I'm not saying it shouldn't be in it at all, I just think it could be tweaked to make it a little more enjoyable to watch. (Also the grammar issues I mentioned didn't help things) Like maybe instead of just Exposition then madness action you could have sprinkled the text story over diff parts of the madness action, maybe using flashback or something like that. I dunno that's just an idea.
You have some tremendous potential here man, keep animating.